Contact US
Tamkeen Industrial Development Services Ltd
Arabian Business center, Waliy,
P.O.BOX 40335,
JEDDAH 21499,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
tel: + 966 12 2251999
fax: +966 12 2251990
e-mail: exactair@tamkeen.com

Tamkeen, Exact Air – Alet Alrotoba
ExactAir provides efficient customized solutions in environmental and pollution control technology for business in Middle East.
Exact regulation of temperature and humidity is necessary in all residential, commercial and industrial buildings. The external climate may vary but in the indoor climate must be constant. Exact Air helps achieve, maintain and control these internal conditions in the most efficient way.
With its unique focus and partnerships with worldwide leaders, ExactAir is regional specialist in providing packaged solutions in the areas of Dehumidification, Humidification, Dust and Fume Extraction, Air Movement and Instrumentation.
When our products are being used they will contribute to a better environment both indoor and outdoor.